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Platform: GameBoy Color

Genre: Action

Release Date: 09/25/2000

Rating: E - Everyone

Coop Play: No

Developer: Pipe Dream Interactive

Publisher: Hasbro Interactive


The arcade hit Q*BERT comes to the Game Boy Color. The player takes control of an orange creature that hops around a course built of blocks. The goal is to change all of the blocks to the appropriate color by hopping on them. As the game progresses, blocks will require multiple jumps. Complicating the process, a snake that wants to destroy you hops around the course, and there are two balls that go down parts of the course undoing all of your work. There are more than 40 levels to complete with several that are larger than one screen. Since all of the action in the game moves in diagonals, there are two different control schemes to maximize your fun. If you remember playing Q*BERT at the arcade, you will enjoy being able to play it in the palm of your hand.

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