Loose Prices

Retail: $5.42

Average Retail: $3.39


Platform: Super Nintendo

Genre: Sports

Release Date: 01/01/1993

Number of Players: 1

Coop Play: No

Developer: TNN

Publisher: American Softworks Corporation


TNN Bass Tournament of Champions is a standard fishing game in the vein of Super Black Bass where the player competes in a series of tournaments on six different lakes with a set of rules and regulations in an attempt to become fishing world champion.

Like many other fishing games, the player can choose from a variety of lures and search for a fishing spot through a top-down view utilizing a fish finder. Once the player finds a suitable spot, they then can cast their lure and attempt to catch as many fish as possible, but also avoid snagging their lines or make them to tight and snap from the tension.

Players must also contend with changing weather conditions that can either help or hinder their time out on the lake and fish will react true to their real-life counterparts. It also features a license from TNN (The Nashville Network).

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