Battle B-Daman

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Platform: GameBoy Advance

Genre: Action

Release Date: 07/25/2006

Coop Play: No

Developer: Takara

Publisher: Atlus


Yamato Delgado dreams of playing B-Daman, the ancient sport of the B-DaWorld—and his dream comes true when he’s chosen to wield Cobalt Blade, the most powerful B-Daman ever. Yamato must use Cobalt Blade to compete in B-Daman tournaments and defeat the evil B-Daplayers of the Shadow Alliance, who will stop at nothing to take over the B-DaWorld. Yamato will also meet characters both familiar and unknown on his journeys, including the warm-hearted Alan and the sinister-looking Goblin. Only a few have what it takes to become a B-Daplayer; will Yamato become the B-Dachampion?

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